
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter Festival at Algonquin Park - February 16, 2013

Just saw the scheduled events for this years Winter Festival at Algonquin.  Looks like lots of good stuff happening between guided hikes, seminars, skating, demonstrations, a wolf howl and a BBQ dinner.  I'm hoping we get up there this year.

For the details, check out the Friends of Algonquin website.


  1. Yes. It would be great spending in Algonquin Park during this time. We had a visit last year. Worth the visit!!

  2. This past weekend, my wife, Jean, and I, x-country skied in Algonquin Park, on the Fen Lake Ski Trail. It was a white, beautiful world and one of the best ski trips we have ever had. We saw many different birds, and animals, including a moose, a Great Grey Owl, and two Pileated Woodpeckers working on a spring nest. Come checkout our blog posting and videos at:

    1. Sounds like a great time. I love your pictures. With the snow on the branches, it truly does look like a winter wonderland. We're hoping to get up there in the next few weeks now that the kids have tried skiing and liked it. Finger's crossed we see a moose too!
